Jupyter Notebook

Bird’s eye view#


Data lineage tracks data’s journey, detailing its origins, transformations, and interactions to trace biological insights, verify experimental outcomes, meet regulatory standards, and increase the robustness of research. While tracking data lineage is easier when it is governed by deterministic pipelines, it becomes hard when its governed by interactive human-driven analyses.

Here, we’ll backtrace file transformations through notebooks, pipelines & app uploads in a research project based on Schmidt22 which conducted genome-wide CRISPR activation and interference screens in primary human T cells to identify gene networks controlling IL-2 and IFN-γ production.


We need an instance:

!lamin init --storage ./mydata
Hide code cell output
💡 creating schemas: core==0.46.1 
✅ saved: User(id='DzTjkKse', handle='testuser1', email='testuser1@lamin.ai', name='Test User1', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:12)
✅ saved: Storage(id='qwgoTldI', root='/home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecases/docs/mydata', type='local', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:12, created_by_id='DzTjkKse')
✅ loaded instance: testuser1/mydata
💡 did not register local instance on hub (if you want, call `lamin register`)

Import lamindb:

import lamindb as ln
✅ loaded instance: testuser1/mydata (lamindb 0.51.0)

We simulate the raw data processing of Schmidt22 with toy data in a real world setting with multiple collaborators (here testuser1 and testuser2):

assert ln.setup.settings.user.handle == "testuser1"

bfx_run_output = ln.dev.datasets.dir_scrnaseq_cellranger(
    "perturbseq", basedir=ln.settings.storage, output_only=False
ln.track(ln.Transform(name="Chromium 10x upload", type="pipeline"))
ln.File(bfx_run_output.parent / "fastq/perturbseq_R1_001.fastq.gz").save()
ln.File(bfx_run_output.parent / "fastq/perturbseq_R2_001.fastq.gz").save()
Hide code cell output
✅ saved: Transform(id='aqK0SBzGBxgghN', name='Chromium 10x upload', type='pipeline', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:13, created_by_id='DzTjkKse')
✅ saved: Run(id='YvCfkwTWWOgVFZymKfvl', run_at=2023-08-28 14:49:13, transform_id='aqK0SBzGBxgghN', created_by_id='DzTjkKse')
💡 file in storage 'mydata' with key 'fastq/perturbseq_R1_001.fastq.gz'
💡 file in storage 'mydata' with key 'fastq/perturbseq_R2_001.fastq.gz'

Track a bioinformatics pipeline#

When working with a pipeline, we’ll register it before running it.

This only happens once and could be done by anyone on your team.

✅ logged in with email testuser2@lamin.ai and id bKeW4T6E
❗ record with similar name exist! did you mean to load it?
id __ratio__
Test User1 DzTjkKse 90.0
✅ saved: User(id='bKeW4T6E', handle='testuser2', email='testuser2@lamin.ai', name='Test User2', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:15)
transform = ln.Transform(name="Cell Ranger", version="7.2.0", type="pipeline")
handle email name updated_at
DzTjkKse testuser1 testuser1@lamin.ai Test User1 2023-08-28 14:49:12
bKeW4T6E testuser2 testuser2@lamin.ai Test User2 2023-08-28 14:49:15
Transform(id='pWJEqHVhng2Qev', name='Cell Ranger', version='7.2.0', type='pipeline', created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')
✅ saved: Transform(id='pWJEqHVhng2Qev', name='Cell Ranger', version='7.2.0', type='pipeline', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:15, created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')
✅ saved: Run(id='uN1Ug3h7Ytfd6qfgBi1s', run_at=2023-08-28 14:49:15, transform_id='pWJEqHVhng2Qev', created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')

Now, let’s stage a few files from an instrument upload:

files = ln.File.filter(key__startswith="fastq/perturbseq").all()
filepaths = [file.stage() for file in files]
💡 adding file RsIKTt02IAOncsRVrHzA as input for run uN1Ug3h7Ytfd6qfgBi1s, adding parent transform aqK0SBzGBxgghN
💡 adding file 4aZhw0PMOhyPqAW3rfN5 as input for run uN1Ug3h7Ytfd6qfgBi1s, adding parent transform aqK0SBzGBxgghN

Assume we processed them and obtained 3 output files in a folder 'filtered_feature_bc_matrix':

output_files = ln.File.from_dir("./mydata/perturbseq/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/")
Hide code cell output
✅ created 3 files from directory using storage /home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecases/docs/mydata and key = perturbseq/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/

Let’s look at the data lineage at this stage:


And let’s keep running the Cell Ranger pipeline in the background.

Hide code cell content
transform = ln.Transform(
    name="Preprocess Cell Ranger outputs", version="2.0", type="pipeline"
[f.stage() for f in output_files]
filepath = ln.dev.datasets.schmidt22_perturbseq(basedir=ln.settings.storage)
file = ln.File(filepath, description="perturbseq counts")
✅ saved: Transform(id='w7jyueHY75U7cC', name='Preprocess Cell Ranger outputs', version='2.0', type='pipeline', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:15, created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')
✅ saved: Run(id='Lez62WObKIDwLdBSdwlj', run_at=2023-08-28 14:49:15, transform_id='w7jyueHY75U7cC', created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')
💡 adding file 5n42EE0UYww7OUbeA3yL as input for run Lez62WObKIDwLdBSdwlj, adding parent transform pWJEqHVhng2Qev
💡 adding file ZL9ltsP0hzZOs4AlJUFo as input for run Lez62WObKIDwLdBSdwlj, adding parent transform pWJEqHVhng2Qev
💡 adding file KHzNnOUnK6l8BTgYSSCg as input for run Lez62WObKIDwLdBSdwlj, adding parent transform pWJEqHVhng2Qev
💡 file in storage 'mydata' with key 'schmidt22_perturbseq.h5ad'
💡 data is AnnDataLike, consider using .from_anndata() to link var_names and obs.columns as features

Track app upload & analytics#

The hidden cell below simulates additional analytic steps including:

  • uploading phenotypic screen data

  • scRNA-seq analysis

  • analyses of the integrated datasets

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# app upload
transform = ln.Transform(name="Upload GWS CRISPRa result", type="app")
filepath = ln.dev.datasets.schmidt22_crispra_gws_IFNG(ln.settings.storage)
file = ln.File(filepath, description="Raw data of schmidt22 crispra GWS")

# upload and analyze the GWS data
transform = ln.Transform(name="GWS CRIPSRa analysis", type="notebook")
file_wgs = ln.File.filter(key="schmidt22-crispra-gws-IFNG.csv").one()
df = file_wgs.load().set_index("id")
hits_df = df[df["pos|fdr"] < 0.01].copy()
file_hits = ln.File(hits_df, description="hits from schmidt22 crispra GWS")
✅ logged in with email testuser1@lamin.ai and id DzTjkKse
✅ saved: Transform(id='KH66KIZvk8QwSG', name='Upload GWS CRISPRa result', type='app', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:18, created_by_id='DzTjkKse')
✅ saved: Run(id='KRLrXtmFL4GOpgPQY1zy', run_at=2023-08-28 14:49:18, transform_id='KH66KIZvk8QwSG', created_by_id='DzTjkKse')
💡 file in storage 'mydata' with key 'schmidt22-crispra-gws-IFNG.csv'
✅ logged in with email testuser2@lamin.ai and id bKeW4T6E
✅ saved: Transform(id='GqkNrJ3VnlQO4u', name='GWS CRIPSRa analysis', type='notebook', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:21, created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')
✅ saved: Run(id='TqFvLxCX6htdJ1Puou53', run_at=2023-08-28 14:49:21, transform_id='GqkNrJ3VnlQO4u', created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')
💡 adding file IeIPTV8JMbghR3t93wq8 as input for run TqFvLxCX6htdJ1Puou53, adding parent transform KH66KIZvk8QwSG
💡 file will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key `None` ('.lamindb/Ff6RGhUI48U9OugNQ7wt.parquet')
💡 data is a dataframe, consider using .from_df() to link column names as features
✅ storing file 'Ff6RGhUI48U9OugNQ7wt' at '.lamindb/Ff6RGhUI48U9OugNQ7wt.parquet'

Let’s see what the data lineage of this looks:

file = ln.File.filter(description="hits from schmidt22 crispra GWS").one()

In the backgound, somebody integrated and analyzed the outputs of the app upload and the Cell Ranger pipeline:

Hide code cell content
# Let us add analytics on top of the cell ranger pipeline and the phenotypic screening
transform = ln.Transform(
    name="Perform single cell analysis, integrating with CRISPRa screen",

file_ps = ln.File.filter(description__icontains="perturbseq").one()
adata = file_ps.load()
screen_hits = file_hits.load()

import scanpy as sc

sc.tl.score_genes(adata, adata.var_names.intersection(screen_hits.index).tolist())
filesuffix = "_fig1_score-wgs-hits.png"
sc.pl.umap(adata, color="score", show=False, save=filesuffix)
filepath = f"figures/umap{filesuffix}"
file = ln.File(filepath, key=filepath)
filesuffix = "fig2_score-wgs-hits-per-cluster.png"
    adata, groupby="cluster_name", var_names=["score"], show=False, save=filesuffix
filepath = f"figures/matrixplot_{filesuffix}"
file = ln.File(filepath, key=filepath)
✅ saved: Transform(id='TKln6FHOmDPKwc', name='Perform single cell analysis, integrating with CRISPRa screen', type='notebook', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:21, created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')
✅ saved: Run(id='0jnUrtDaLrTNt2SddM9i', run_at=2023-08-28 14:49:21, transform_id='TKln6FHOmDPKwc', created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')
💡 adding file oAVvvsis2fUhMHEU1REc as input for run 0jnUrtDaLrTNt2SddM9i, adding parent transform w7jyueHY75U7cC
💡 adding file Ff6RGhUI48U9OugNQ7wt as input for run 0jnUrtDaLrTNt2SddM9i, adding parent transform GqkNrJ3VnlQO4u
WARNING: saving figure to file figures/umap_fig1_score-wgs-hits.png
💡 file will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key 'figures/umap_fig1_score-wgs-hits.png'
✅ storing file 'ton5FLCvYHAxyCaEodi5' at 'figures/umap_fig1_score-wgs-hits.png'
WARNING: saving figure to file figures/matrixplot_fig2_score-wgs-hits-per-cluster.png
💡 file will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key 'figures/matrixplot_fig2_score-wgs-hits-per-cluster.png'
✅ storing file 'O80IXB21Am9j0nBajowm' at 'figures/matrixplot_fig2_score-wgs-hits-per-cluster.png'

The outcome of it are a few figures stored as image files. Let’s query one of them and look at the data lineage:

Track notebooks#

We’d now like to track the current Jupyter notebook to continue the work:

💡 notebook imports: ipython==8.14.0 lamindb==0.51.0 scanpy==1.9.4
✅ saved: Transform(id='1LCd8kco9lZUz8', name='Bird's eye view', short_name='birds-eye', version='0', type=notebook, updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:24, created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')
✅ saved: Run(id='sJZVw3N8Tlyia55gOiUS', run_at=2023-08-28 14:49:24, transform_id='1LCd8kco9lZUz8', created_by_id='bKeW4T6E')

Visualize data lineage#

Let’s load one of the plots:

file = ln.File.filter(key__contains="figures/matrixplot").one()

from IPython.display import Image, display

💡 adding file O80IXB21Am9j0nBajowm as input for run sJZVw3N8Tlyia55gOiUS, adding parent transform TKln6FHOmDPKwc

We see that the image file is tracked as an input of the current notebook. The input is highlighted, the notebook follows at the bottom:


Alternatively, we can also purely look at the sequence of transforms and ignore the files:

transform = ln.Transform.search("Bird's eye view", return_queryset=True).first()
name short_name version initial_version_id type reference updated_at created_by_id
TKln6FHOmDPKwc Perform single cell analysis, integrating with... None None None notebook None 2023-08-28 14:49:23 bKeW4T6E

Understand runs#

We tracked pipeline and notebook runs through run_context, which stores a Transform and a Run record as a global context.

File objects are the inputs and outputs of runs.

What if I don’t want a global context?

Sometimes, we don’t want to create a global run context but manually pass a run when creating a file:

run = ln.Run(transform=transform)
ln.File(filepath, run=run)
When does a file appear as a run input?

When accessing a file via stage(), load() or backed(), two things happen:

  1. The current run gets added to file.input_of

  2. The transform of that file gets added as a parent of the current transform

You can then switch off auto-tracking of run inputs if you set ln.settings.track_run_inputs = False: Can I disable tracking run inputs?

You can also track run inputs on a case by case basis via is_run_input=True, e.g., here:


Query by provenance#

We can query or search for the notebook that created the file:

transform = ln.Transform.search("GWS CRIPSRa analysis", return_queryset=True).first()

And then find all the files created by that notebook:

storage_id key suffix accessor description version initial_version_id size hash hash_type transform_id run_id updated_at created_by_id
Ff6RGhUI48U9OugNQ7wt qwgoTldI None .parquet DataFrame hits from schmidt22 crispra GWS None None 18368 O2Owo0_QlM9JBS2zAZD4Lw md5 GqkNrJ3VnlQO4u TqFvLxCX6htdJ1Puou53 2023-08-28 14:49:21 bKeW4T6E

Which transform ingested a given file?

file = ln.File.filter().first()
Transform(id='aqK0SBzGBxgghN', name='Chromium 10x upload', type='pipeline', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:13, created_by_id='DzTjkKse')

And which user?

User(id='DzTjkKse', handle='testuser1', email='testuser1@lamin.ai', name='Test User1', updated_at=2023-08-28 14:49:18)

Which transforms were created by a given user?

users = ln.User.lookup()
name short_name version initial_version_id type reference updated_at created_by_id
pWJEqHVhng2Qev Cell Ranger None 7.2.0 None pipeline None 2023-08-28 14:49:15 bKeW4T6E
w7jyueHY75U7cC Preprocess Cell Ranger outputs None 2.0 None pipeline None 2023-08-28 14:49:17 bKeW4T6E
GqkNrJ3VnlQO4u GWS CRIPSRa analysis None None None notebook None 2023-08-28 14:49:21 bKeW4T6E
TKln6FHOmDPKwc Perform single cell analysis, integrating with... None None None notebook None 2023-08-28 14:49:23 bKeW4T6E
1LCd8kco9lZUz8 Bird's eye view birds-eye 0 None notebook None 2023-08-28 14:49:24 bKeW4T6E

Which notebooks were created by a given user?

ln.Transform.filter(created_by=users.testuser2, type="notebook").df()
name short_name version initial_version_id type reference updated_at created_by_id
GqkNrJ3VnlQO4u GWS CRIPSRa analysis None None None notebook None 2023-08-28 14:49:21 bKeW4T6E
TKln6FHOmDPKwc Perform single cell analysis, integrating with... None None None notebook None 2023-08-28 14:49:23 bKeW4T6E
1LCd8kco9lZUz8 Bird's eye view birds-eye 0 None notebook None 2023-08-28 14:49:24 bKeW4T6E

We can also view all recent additions to the entire database:

Hide code cell output

storage_id key suffix accessor description version initial_version_id size hash hash_type transform_id run_id updated_at created_by_id
O80IXB21Am9j0nBajowm qwgoTldI figures/matrixplot_fig2_score-wgs-hits-per-clu... .png None None None None 28814 JYIPcat0YWYVCX3RVd3mww md5 TKln6FHOmDPKwc 0jnUrtDaLrTNt2SddM9i 2023-08-28 14:49:23 bKeW4T6E
ton5FLCvYHAxyCaEodi5 qwgoTldI figures/umap_fig1_score-wgs-hits.png .png None None None None 118999 laQjVk4gh70YFzaUyzbUNg md5 TKln6FHOmDPKwc 0jnUrtDaLrTNt2SddM9i 2023-08-28 14:49:23 bKeW4T6E
Ff6RGhUI48U9OugNQ7wt qwgoTldI None .parquet DataFrame hits from schmidt22 crispra GWS None None 18368 O2Owo0_QlM9JBS2zAZD4Lw md5 GqkNrJ3VnlQO4u TqFvLxCX6htdJ1Puou53 2023-08-28 14:49:21 bKeW4T6E
IeIPTV8JMbghR3t93wq8 qwgoTldI schmidt22-crispra-gws-IFNG.csv .csv None Raw data of schmidt22 crispra GWS None None 1729685 cUSH0oQ2w-WccO8_ViKRAQ md5 KH66KIZvk8QwSG KRLrXtmFL4GOpgPQY1zy 2023-08-28 14:49:19 DzTjkKse
oAVvvsis2fUhMHEU1REc qwgoTldI schmidt22_perturbseq.h5ad .h5ad AnnData perturbseq counts None None 20659936 la7EvqEUMDlug9-rpw-udA md5 w7jyueHY75U7cC Lez62WObKIDwLdBSdwlj 2023-08-28 14:49:17 bKeW4T6E
ZL9ltsP0hzZOs4AlJUFo qwgoTldI perturbseq/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/features... .tsv.gz None None None None 6 W3ZL00oIwVBT2lN-pUdT2w md5 pWJEqHVhng2Qev uN1Ug3h7Ytfd6qfgBi1s 2023-08-28 14:49:15 bKeW4T6E
KHzNnOUnK6l8BTgYSSCg qwgoTldI perturbseq/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/matrix.m... .mtx.gz None None None None 6 xNBcmvSIeFtVPHZzYqlEkA md5 pWJEqHVhng2Qev uN1Ug3h7Ytfd6qfgBi1s 2023-08-28 14:49:15 bKeW4T6E

transform_id run_at created_by_id reference reference_type
YvCfkwTWWOgVFZymKfvl aqK0SBzGBxgghN 2023-08-28 14:49:13 DzTjkKse None None
uN1Ug3h7Ytfd6qfgBi1s pWJEqHVhng2Qev 2023-08-28 14:49:15 bKeW4T6E None None
Lez62WObKIDwLdBSdwlj w7jyueHY75U7cC 2023-08-28 14:49:15 bKeW4T6E None None
KRLrXtmFL4GOpgPQY1zy KH66KIZvk8QwSG 2023-08-28 14:49:18 DzTjkKse None None
TqFvLxCX6htdJ1Puou53 GqkNrJ3VnlQO4u 2023-08-28 14:49:21 bKeW4T6E None None
0jnUrtDaLrTNt2SddM9i TKln6FHOmDPKwc 2023-08-28 14:49:21 bKeW4T6E None None
sJZVw3N8Tlyia55gOiUS 1LCd8kco9lZUz8 2023-08-28 14:49:24 bKeW4T6E None None

root type region updated_at created_by_id
qwgoTldI /home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecase... local None 2023-08-28 14:49:12 DzTjkKse

name short_name version initial_version_id type reference updated_at created_by_id
1LCd8kco9lZUz8 Bird's eye view birds-eye 0 None notebook None 2023-08-28 14:49:24 bKeW4T6E
TKln6FHOmDPKwc Perform single cell analysis, integrating with... None None None notebook None 2023-08-28 14:49:23 bKeW4T6E
GqkNrJ3VnlQO4u GWS CRIPSRa analysis None None None notebook None 2023-08-28 14:49:21 bKeW4T6E
KH66KIZvk8QwSG Upload GWS CRISPRa result None None None app None 2023-08-28 14:49:19 DzTjkKse
w7jyueHY75U7cC Preprocess Cell Ranger outputs None 2.0 None pipeline None 2023-08-28 14:49:17 bKeW4T6E
pWJEqHVhng2Qev Cell Ranger None 7.2.0 None pipeline None 2023-08-28 14:49:15 bKeW4T6E
aqK0SBzGBxgghN Chromium 10x upload None None None pipeline None 2023-08-28 14:49:13 DzTjkKse

handle email name updated_at
bKeW4T6E testuser2 testuser2@lamin.ai Test User2 2023-08-28 14:49:21
DzTjkKse testuser1 testuser1@lamin.ai Test User1 2023-08-28 14:49:18
Hide code cell content
!lamin login testuser1
!lamin delete --force mydata
!rm -r ./mydata
✅ logged in with email testuser1@lamin.ai and id DzTjkKse
💡 deleting instance testuser1/mydata
✅     deleted instance settings file: /home/runner/.lamin/instance--testuser1--mydata.env
✅     instance cache deleted
✅     deleted '.lndb' sqlite file
❗     consider manually deleting your stored data: /home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecases/docs/mydata